When we imagine a garment, we like to think of the pleasure it will be giving you when wearing it. Because for us the true essence of our work lies in the reassuring marvel of beauty, in the love for things well-done. Like a Belvest shirt. This modern, slim fitting model comes in white. Made from cool cotton, it makes you feel at ease and impeccable from the morning until evening. The neck is hand sewn to ensure the correct stitch tension and also, that once the garment has been put on, it complements the shape of your body like a second skin. We also insert a reinforcing gusset to make the seam between the front and the back of the shirt more resistant. Each garment is a jewel of sartorial perfection, handcrafted by our master tailors who select and work with the most precious fabrics in the world in our Piazzola sul Brenta workshop.
Wash at up to a temperature of 40° C in a normal wash cycle.
Iron moderately hot, i.e. up to a maximum of 150° C.
The item of clothing may not be treated with bleach.
The item of clothing may be cleaned with perchlorethylene, hydrocarbon, R113 and R11 solutions.
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